by Dr. Nicole Mason

We are all born with a unique mission assigned to our lives. Our responsibility is to uncover exactly what that mission is and then build our lives around that mission. This special mission is also called purpose. It shows up in our lives in various ways, from the activities that we liked to do as children to the pain that we have experienced in our lives to name a few. Case in point, I absolutely loved to write letters, notes, and short stories as a child. Now, it could have been because I was an only child, and I was trying to find a way to entertain myself. But I have concluded that my love of writing is directly tied to the purpose I am called to do on the Earth. So I would submit that you can find clues to your unique purpose when you look back on your childhood.
The other way to uncover purpose in your life is to let the pain you have experienced guide you. I know this can be a hard pill to swallow but let me share my life experience again. My mom suddenly passed away of heart disease in 2005. I found myself turning my pain into purpose when I became an Ambassador for the American Heart Association. I have shared my mom’s story and used her story as a catalyst to help women of color focus on heart health.
You see, your purpose is right before you. It is not some elusive concept outside of you. I know that some people have tried to make it more complex than it is. I want to encourage you to take some time to sit down and reflect on your life. I must warn you that most of the time, the activities that we enjoy that are a part of our purpose can naturally come to us that we miss it. We overlook it and sometimes can’t even fathom that it would even remotely be defined as our purpose. I am here to tell you that focusing on that common everyday activity is exactly where you need to take a deeper dive and a closer look.
Begin to ask those closest to you their thoughts about the activity. When I began taking my writing and speaking seriously, other people would remark that they weren’t surprised at what I do today. Many of them commented about how I would send them notes and letters of encouragement over the years. And, still, others would talk about how I would speak up about issues and matters as a child. What I have come to know is that our childhood is the place for us to investigate and unearth our unique purpose and how we can begin to build our lives around that special mission to make an impact.
About the Author

Dr. Nicole Mason is a fiery and anointed preacher, prolific writer and passionate attorney. She is the author of 4 books and has been a contributing writer in more than 40 books.
Dr. Nicole is the recipient of the 50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading Award and has been featured in the Chicken Soup for the Soul® Book Series.